Catching Up

So, what’s been going on with Peony and Spot?

Well, not much.

Spot was diagnosed with a right hind suspensory strain probably in late October, and while it wasn’t a tear, the ligament was definitely enlarged with some micro-tearing. I decided that I would pretty much rehab her like it was a tear so I’ve been taking my sweet ass time.

The first month was just hand walking for 25 minutes, and after that we started tack walking for 25 minutes, increasing 5 minutes a week until we were doing 45 minutes. We started trotting sometime in December, starting with 2 minutes, and increasing 2 minutes every 4 days until we were at 25 minutes of trot total. It was a little dicey in the beginning with our hand walking…we upgraded to a rope halter and I started to hand walk wearing a helmet and gloves. The Flying Potato at times decided she wanted to be a horse kite and gave me her best Black Stallion impression. We finally we started cantering about 2 weeks ago! Once we get up to 25 minutes of trot and about 20 minutes of canter we will be fully rehabbed!

While Spot’s rehab has been going on, I happened to pick up a new ride.

Introducing Muze!


His hair game is strong

I was fortunate enough to meet Muze’s owner CM through my trainer and she was looking for someone to ride Muze a few days a week as his bouncy-ness and round-ness makes her two artificial knees hurt. I guess fake knees don’t oscillate the way real knees do.

Muze is a 16.1, 18 year old, Swedish Warmblood. He’s been trained and shown PSG/I1 but with an old pastern injury he just can’t do the pirouettes. Not like pirouettes are anywhere in my near future, LOL. So, he’s been packing me around and teaching me how to dance and be a good dance partner.  He’s pretty much the best schoolmaster ever and has AMAZING hair. He’s kind and so cute, but he absolutely does not give things up easily and really makes me work for it.


Insert cookies, plz

My riding education has grown tremendously and I’m so glad I have the opportunity to ride him.

So there you have it. A quick update on what I and Spot have been up to along with an introduction to Muze!


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11 Responses to Catching Up

  1. SprinklerBandits says:

    Muze sounds super cool. So glad you’re still in the saddle. 🙂


  2. L. Williams says:

    Ah he looks related to Wisko!! 😀 I love him steal him!


  3. emma says:

    ahh good to hear from you!! i keep seeing your name pop up in other blogger’s recaps of fun adventures and was wondering when we’d hear from you directly again. bummer about Spot’s injury but sounds like she’s rehabbing well. and Muze looks so cool – what a fantastic opportunity!


  4. His forelock is amazing! And he looks like a total squish. 🙂 Glad to hear your Potato is almost back in action!


  5. carey says:

    Look at that forelock! Cosmo has forelock envy for sure. He sounds awesome, glad you’re enjoying him and glad that Spot is rehabbing well.


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