Thanksgiving Recap: Family and Pony Rides


Thanksgiving meal wasn’t quite like this, but I think we all know this feeling

This year, my family conned me into having Thanksgiving at our new home so the few days leading up to the family descending upon us we were furiously cleaning the house, and redoing the tile in our guest bathroom. With all the stuff going on, there was absolutely no way I was going to cook so I ordered a pre-made Thanksgiving meal for 8 from Whole Foods. It was awesome; all I had to do was pop in the items about an hour before serving and food was done.

My sister and her family came up, and her two girls wanted to hang out with their dear “Auntie Pony” (that’s me since they can’t pronounce Peony just yet) and ride Spot. I was happy to oblige and the day after Thanksgiving was beautiful so we went out to see Spot. I have to give it to my horse, she may be a bit of a pill and sassy mare at times, but when there are little children around she is an absolute angel. It’s like she knows she needs to be careful around them and be good. I plopped my nieces on her and took them around the arena and the rest of the farm property. My oldest niece loved it and didn’t want to get off, when the youngest was a bit more scared so she was content to just pet Spot. I’ll let the pictures do the talking now:

Thanksgiving 2014

My niece couldn’t stop smiling

Thanksgiving 2014

My sister and her two girls

Thanksgiving 2014

Please ignore my derp face and focus on the lovely Spot

Thanksgiving 2014

Pony rides are the best

Thanksgiving 2014


It really was a great Thanksgiving as I got to see my parents and sister, but as relaxed as it was…holidays are still stressful so I was kinda glad when they all left. There wasn’t much time for riding so hopefully this week I’ll get some more ride time. We’re adding some new and tricksy things into our repertoire so it’ll be good to practice and maybe, just maybe have good progress. Would like to end the year on a high!

Hope ya’ll had a great Thanksgiving and got in some good shopping! Speaking of shopping, I’m thinking about kicking off a Tack Swap/Sale Blog Hop here soon. I’m sure we all have a few things we’d like to sell/buy/trade for so stay tuned!

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11 Responses to Thanksgiving Recap: Family and Pony Rides

  1. nbohl says:

    Sounds like a good thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing your review of the Whole Foods thanksgiving meal, as I always wondered about doing that option.

    Looking forward to a Tack Swap/Sale Blog Hop


  2. Whole Foods Thanksgiving! Why didn’t I think of that?!


  3. emma says:

    aww Spot is so cute with your nieces! what a good mare 🙂 isabel LOVES kids too – it’s kinda funny lol

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Karen M says:

    adorableness with Spot and your nieces!


  5. Val says:

    I did not know Whole Foods did that….good to know! Also, your nieces and Spot are super cute 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love Louis C.K… and Spot is adorable. I love how horses who are usually full of piss and vinegar often seem to be on their behaviour around little ones!


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