Fly On Over: A Day in the Life

What a great Blog Hop topic from Tracy over at Fly On Over! Its been super fun reading about other equestrians lives outside of our horses so I thought I’d join in on the fun. 🙂

To preface, I work in a pharmaceutical company where I’m part of the group that manufactures biological drugs to treat cancer and a myriad of other diseases. The neat thing about biological drugs is that they usually produce few to no side effect to the patient so they don’t have to go through chemo or radiation, however, most patients do both. Since I’m am actually “touching” product that goes into patients down the road I work in a clean environment to make sure our products are uncontaminated and safe. So that entails no makeup, jewelry, and nail polish which means everyone is au naturale. Oh, and I forgot, mandatory steel toe boots.  I also work 4, 10 hour shifts so that means a 3 day weekend and therefore more pony time! The time line I’ve posted is for my work week of Sunday-Wednesday. Ok, that that’s out of the way, here’s how my day usually goes:

5:30 AM: Alarm goes off. Immediately hit snooze.

5:40AM: DH mumbles, “Don’t you need to get up?” Me: “But I don’t wanna go to to worrrkkk…”

5:45-6AM: Blearily brush my teeth, brush hair, etc and pull on whatever jeans are clean and whatever shirt I can find in the dark.

6AM: Make coffee and green smoothie while grumbling the whole time.

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spinach, vanilla protein powder, strawberries, mangos, peaches, and almond milk.


6:20-7AM: In the car for my 30 minute commute. Drink coffee. Exercise my lungs and singalong to the radio. My latest song? “Shorty, I don’t mind…if you dance on that pole, don’t make you a ho!!!!!”


Pretty much me, but that early in the morning I kinda don’t give a rats ass.


7:00AM: Shift morning meeting where we discuss what operations need to be complete during the day and any emergent issues that need to be taken care of. Drink more coffee

7:20AM: Change into company mandated scrubs.

7:30AM: Don on white jump suit, safety glasses, hairnet, and sometimes a face mask

7:45-8:30AM: Check/read the crap ton of emails. Check my calendar to see if I have any meetings or trainings scheduled. Check to make sure I am “green” on all of my work qualifications

8:30-9AM: Breakfast/Morning Coordination and Update meeting in the cafeteria. Yes, we have a cafeteria and it’s freaking amazing. Everything is organic or locally sourced, made from scratch and cost subsidized. I always look in longing the made to order breakfast burritos…~sigh~ but I usually drink my green smoothie at this time and get a few hard boiled eggs.

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This place rocks



9:30AM-12:15: Doing work on the production floor. Making drugs.


Not this kind of drugs… PC: AMC



But these kind of drugs…this one of our cancer drugs.


12:15-1:15/1:30: Lunch. Back to the Cafe for some salad and soup. Sigh again at the amazing bricks of rice krispie treats and brownies.

1:30PM: More working on the floor. Try not to get a discrepancy. We have to note any type of deviation in our process because it could affect the quality of our products.  Wish I could show you guys pics of what I actually do, but that’s confidential.

4PM: Zomg…can we leave yet?

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5PM: Shift wrap-up. Pray no one has anything to talk about so we can go home. Go over anything that needs bringing up. Any safety issues, or quality issues of the day.

5:30PM: Back into street clothes and on the road to see my pony!

6PM: Start grooming and tacking up.

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7-7:30PM: Cooling down, untacking, putting things away, and catching up on barn gossip.

7:30PM: On my way home…hope to God that DH has started dinner.

8PM: Home. Yay!! DH has dinner going! Or, if he doesn’t we’ll either scrounge up leftovers or make a run out to grab something.

9-10:15PM: Catch up on any TV episodes or read on my kindle.

10:30PM: Crash into bed, but not before setting alarm for 5:30AM


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10 Responses to Fly On Over: A Day in the Life

  1. Your job sounds amazing and very intense!


  2. What a day! I’m zonked from reading that.
    Also I am sorry for not commenting more, I keep meaning to go back to the start of your blog and read all the fun stuff that you’ve been up to since August!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. redheadlins says:

    Crazy day! That cafeteria sounds amazing!


  4. emma says:

    busy day! your job sounds really cool – and i’m totes jealous of your cafeteria haha

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a busy day!!! Impressed by the barn motivation after a long work day!


  6. Paige says:

    I live just down the bay from ya! totally creeping lol


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